
Keep up to date with all that is going on. We are a busy school and we wouldn't want you to miss out.

2024 Dates...


Tuesday 19th November - Virtual Reality Day - Yrs 5-8

Wednesday 20th Nov to 22nd Nov - Year 5&6 EOTC - Vertical Horizons

Monday 25th November - BOT Meeting

Tuesday 26th November - Mini Swim Sports 11am

Friday 29th November - Colour Run 2.15pm

Sunday 1st December - School led Mass 10:15am

4th Dec to 7th Dec - Year 7&8 EOTC - Goat Island

Wednesday 11th December - School Picnic/Swim, Year 8 Leavers Dinner 6.00pm

Friday 13th December - End of Year Celebration & Graduation 10:30am

Friday 13th December - End of Term 4: 12pm Finish

2025 Dates...

Term Dates for 2025 (subject to change)


Monday 27th January - Whānau Connection Day

Wednesday 29th January - Start of Classes

Thursday 6th February - Waitangi Day

Monday 10th February - BOT meeting 5:15

Wednesday 12th February - Swimming Lessons Begin

Friday 21st February - Leadership Blessing (TBC)

Wednesday 26th Feb - Turnbull Cup Swimming

Tuesday 4th March - Burning/Blessing of the Ashes

Wednesday 5th March - Ash Wednesday Liturgy 9am

Friday 7th March - Kāhui Ako Combined Schools' Teacher Only Day

Monday 17th March - BOT Meeting 5:15pm

Wednesday 19th March - St Joseph's Feast Day

Sunday 23rd March - School Mass 10:15am

Friday 11th April - Easter Liturgy 2pm

Friday 11th April - End of Term One


Monday 28th April - Begin Term Two

Monday 12th May - BOT Meeting 5:15pm

Wednesday 28th May - Catholic Schools' Day

Monday 2nd June - King's Birthday

Sunday 8th June - School Mass 10:15am

Monday 16th June - BOT Meeting 5:15pm

Thursday 19th June - Matariki Liturgy & Celebration

Thursday 19th June - Mid Year Reports Published

Friday 20th June - Matariki Public Holiday

Monday 23rd June - Kāhui Ako Teacher Only Curriculum Day

Friday 27th June - End of Term Two


Monday 14th July - Begin Term Three

Wednesday 23rd July - Mid Year Learning Conferences

Monday 28th July - BOT Meeting 5:15pm

Tuesday 29th July - Mid-Year Learning Conferences

Friday 25th July - Grandparents' Day

Wednesday 6th August - School Photos

Friday 8th August - School Cross Country

Monday 25th August - Combined Catholic Schools' Teacher Only Day

Monday 1st September - BOT Meeting 5:15pm

Friday 19th Sept - End of Term Three


Monday 6th October - Begin Term Four

Friday 17th October - Mission Day

Monday 20th October - BOT Meeting 5:15pm

Tues 11th - Thurs 14th November - Year 7&8 EOTC Camp

Wed 19th - Fri 21st November - Year 5&6 EOTC Camp

Monday 24th November - BOT Meeting 5:15pm

Friday 12th December - End of School Year